17 May 2016

Reasons why I blog

Hi everyone! In this post I'm going to talk about why I blog. Some of my friends keep asking why I keep on blogging, what makes me not to stop blogging, isn't tiring to type all the things and more. So here I am. Typing all the answers in for you guys.

But before I proceed, I would like to show you guys this. A friend of mine, Luqman, recently made a blog. He was inspired after I show him the post, "Love" and he decided to create his own blog. This is want to show you guys, what he said about blogging.

"Well shit. The thought of writing a blog has never passed through my mind, but honestly the feeling of trying to express how you feel on a computer is oddly satisfying....we'll see how this goes so, bare with me!"

That's his first ever post for his blog. I laughed and agreed with it because it's so true. Check out his blog if you know him or you're interested! (http://luqmanrizal.blogspot.com/)

Back to the main topic of this post. 

The reason why I blog is basically what Luqman said, 'the feeling of trying to express how you feel on a computer is oddly satisfying...' I express my feelings here. I open up the things I want people to know, the secrets that I can't keep inside, the feelings that need to get out of me, the words I'm trying to say just so people can listen and understand what I'm going through, and support me as I go, to stay positive, to never give up and to move forward.

I tell the stories that I think people want to hear. I tell the situations I am in that I don't think I can't solve alone; people would suggest me their ways on how to minimise or solve the situation, and I sometimes follow their suggestions; their suggestions sometimes make me open my eyes wider, I can see the situation in another perspective and realise things that are actually good and bad, or make me think deeper outside the box. To the people who've been supporting me, I thank you, very, very much.

Some people understand why I blog. They told me that I don't have anyone to express my feelings to and that's why I express it here. That's true to be honest. Sometimes, I feel like I'm alone and have no one to talk to about my problems, and even if there's someone to talk to, I'm afraid that they would not really care about it, like they have only a little interest in it. They would listen to my problems partially, they would give the face that shows that they're not interested at all. They would give fake interest or answers to my problems just so they can feel good about themselves because they're helping me and thinking that would make me feel any better.

Honestly, it doesn't make me feel any better when they think they did. I can see their body language while they're listening and giving me answers to solve my problems.

Another reason why I blog is because I'm also afraid that, if I have someone to talk to about my problems, eventually they would be less interested, or bored and annoyed because of/with me. So creating a post about me expressing my feelings in my blog, can somehow avoid the 'bored and annoyed with me' problem.

I just simply give my link to the people in social media, where my friends are in it too, and if they're interested they can click on it and if they're not, they can just simply ignore it. The thing is, I don't know whether they clicked it or ignored it, which is better than knowing them not interested about my problems after I tell them face to face. I can only see the countries where people viewed my blog from and I don't have to know who viewed it.

I only know who are my viewers when they talk about it to me face to face. They would sometimes say, "Hey I read your blog last night" and then they would ask me questions if they don't understand, they would comment on it, or they would help me get through my situation. To people who have done this, you know who you are, and I thank you guys for checking out my blog. Sometimes I think that people don't/won't visit my blog and I know it's bad to think it that way, but hey, at least it's out there. It's out in the public, where everyone in the world can see, and there's a chance where people might accidentally visit this blog and read it. 

I know that the people who have little or no interest to listen to my problems, and sometimes pretend to listen (I don't like that by the way, ever. I hate it.), just so they can make me feel better because I have 'someone' to, also have their own problems. I know that they also want help from others so they don't have to solve their problems alone. Believe me, I help my friends with their problems and sometimes they ask me, out of nowhere, on how to solve the problems, and I, just simply help them. I like and don't mind to help them because I (seriously) want to help them; make them happy, move forward and/or achieve their dreams. Seeing others happy, moving forward or achieving their dreams after I help them makes me happy as well.

Anyways, the point is, try to help others with their problems while you also try to solve yours as well. Multi-tasking basically. There are people out there, that don't know how to solve their problems, and you could be the one who might know how to solve it. You never know once until you try to help them. Even if you think your idea to help them is useless, it's still an idea (any idea could be a better idea), probably an idea that people might never think of and perhaps it could help them. If people need help, help them. If you think you can't, try. If still think you can't, don't give up; find others that can help you help them.

That's all for now. This is the end of this post.

My situation:
Please, make me try, to help me, help you, trying to help me. Please... Help me go into the dark tunnel and go through the other end of the tunnel, the exit. An exit that can free me from the problems I need help with.

Happy trails everyone! Follow the happy trails, not the sad trails and there, you can feel much better. :)

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