I will arrange from more fun to least fun. I wouldn't say the least fun is boring, it's fun too, but others are very fun, or more fun?? I don't know how to explain it.
Project Photoshop Mix (PPM)
I was inspired by my brother's friend, Harith and my one of best friends, Hakeem. Harith likes to photoshop and Hakeem made a picture of himself using photoshop. The picture had lines highlighted and a background of a colourful galaxy. The lines structured was picture of himself, with his hair and glasses frame and his jawline. Harith made a lot of cool pictures using photoshop. So I thank them for inspiring me to use photoshop. Found the app on my phone and decided to try it out yesterday.I made these:
Pictures of me

Pictures of my friends I made:
After I posted one of my friend's picture I edited with photoshop mix, my friends started asking me where are theirs? So, sometimes I'm bored, why not help them instead of doing nothing. I could study, but I follow my mood.
Birthday celebration!
25th April
I'm in a group called 'Fish Eye' or also known as 'Circle', and it was almost Aqil's birthday. So my friend, Adib, decided to order 2 Lasagna from me for Aqil. My mom cooks the lasagna and I'm usually the middleman in this kind of situation. Anyways, it costs $40 (also comes with free Garlic Bread) and Adib didn't want to use all of his money, so he decided to ask the group if they want to chip in. The birthday is on 27th April.Apparently, everyone wanted the lasagna. Adib told them it was,"Best lasagna in town" and everyone was keen to try it. So the group chipped in $3 each for the 2 Lasagna ($80 in total) and managed to get about only $30 above.
I already told my mom about the 2 lasagna and confirmed about it. Suddenly, the group said they can't reach another $40, so they wanted only 1 Lasagna. So who's going to pay for the other $40? I wanted to, but had an idea.
There's this group called 'Rebels' and one of them knows about my mom's lasagna and loved them. So I decided to ask her if she wanted it. She told everyone in the group and everyone there chipped in! Some chipped $5, $10 and more, and some didn't have the time to chip in because it was already $40. I just gave them a day to collect and they already collected the $40. Faster than my group. Apparently they were keen to try it as well.
My mom asked me who was the lasagnas for. I told her it was for my friend's birthday and also told her that each of everyone chipped in $3 in $1. So in my wallet, I had like 2 inch of $1 that was $80 in total. I couldn't even close my wallet!
The next day, my mom was so generous. She told me she will give free 80 Grilled BBQ Chicken Wings for the two groups, 40 for each group. The two groups will have a feast for the birthday!
27th April
The plan is to bait the birthday boy to a trap. We told him that the lasagnas ordered were cancelled last minute and changed to a different date. By the way, the birthday boy also chipped in for the lasagna, but didn't it was for him all along.We didn't want people who didn't chip in to feast with us because it would be unfair to the people who did. So we chose a venue where there won't be many people around. Moreover about the plan, to bait Aqil, Adib will tell him that he left his mobile phone near the venue and bring along Aqil with him and once Aqil is there, we will sing the birthday song!
Plan went well. Everyone had full belly and was jubilant especially the birthday boy. Empty tray of lasagna and chicken wings, and empty container of Garlic Bread.
The Rebels also enjoyed their feast, but there was this one unfair guy. He came to Rebels and asked if he could have some of the lasagna. Rebels insisted because if they rejected him, they will would guilty. So the guy grabbed a spoon and cut about 38 cm length and 7 cm width of the lasagna. Obviously, Rebels would get angry, so they told him to just have a little, because they want their group to have some as well. So the guy felt bad and listened to them, but then, the took half of what he cut. Still a big chunk and so unfair to Rebels. So I have a bit of hatred towards the guy.
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