09 June 2016

Tale to tell?

            Some of you possibly ponder what this post is about. Well, I do too. I sometimes wonder what it will be. Will it be fiction or non-fiction? Action or Romance? Will it be an inspiration or a mediocre? The majority of people in this world, including me, likes to read non-fiction romance novels. Immediately after we started reading one, we can’t seem to stop. Well, this also a concern when reading action novels. Anyways, we would promise ourselves, “one more page”, maybe because we have to rest for the night, but somehow we ended up reading 5 more. Causing us to sleep behind schedule, and be late for school the next day. We do this too often because reading is fascinating. You can visualize the story with your imagination when you read.
            Reading a non-fiction, romance novel gives us the feeling that we are the couples inside the novel. We would hope this could happen to us in the real world. The way how the couples met each other, how they ended up together, the conversations they had every night through the telephone line, how they express how much they care for their significant other. ‘O.T.P’ is an acronym that repeatedly crosses my mind every time I read this kind of novels. It means ‘One True Pair’. Fate chose these couples to be with each other, like it was destined for them to end up together.
            I occasionally wonder how it’s like to encounter your significant other. People say they can turn your whole life around, in a good way though. It’s like they’re the manoeuvres in your life that guides you into something great that no one else can. Well, basically to put it in cliché words, they’re the one part of your life that is missing and once you have that part, your life is complete.
            Furthermore, people say that, ‘love at first sight’, will take place after you see or meet your significant other. Where your heart starts to race. You would stop whatever you were doing, and you would only focus on that person. You wouldn’t think of anything else because your brain would go blank for a while; you would only think how beautiful and lovely that person is. That’s what I heard when you see your significant other for the first time. Unfortunately, some of us inevitably fall in love after first seeing or meeting someone who is nice and entertaining, or good-looking to us. This usually occur to us, like it’s a habit that we never asked for in our lives.
            On the other hand, action novels, well to be honest with you, I never read an action novel before, so they are enjoyable to read too? I don’t know. I suppose people can get the ‘thrill’ when reading an action story. Where the hero would jump off of the helicopter, parachutes and make a landing on top of a roof. He draws out his favoured assault rifle and starts to save the day. Killing every bandit he sees. Rescuing the hostages and gets the sexy girls at the end. But that’s what I understand when I watch an action movie. Perhaps in novels, the action story would be more detailed than what I’ve just summarised, as always.
            Anyways, regarding this post, I don’t know what to write. Should I do non-fiction, romance? A biography of me? An action story? Because some people are interested in romance, and the others are more into action stories. I should try to make non-fiction, action, romance novel! Where the main character and his significant other were on a date and suddenly, there’s an alien invasion. The alien captures the main character’s significant other and the main character, then realises he has the potential to stop the invasion and save the world and his girl. The guy will obtain superpowers along the way, and would destroy every alien spaceship orbiting the Earth. Little did he know, the girl he was trying to save was actually an alien too. Apparently she was the queen, the commander of the alien invasion. Capturing the girl was just a bait to kill the guy. The guy, then releases all his superpowers and explode. Killing him, the queen of the aliens and part of the Earth. A huge crater was made on Earth. Ever since then, people mark the crater as a memorial for the main character, or also known as ‘Hero of Earth’. Regrettably, the queen laid eggs somewhere on Earth because of the one night stand she had with the guy. The eggs then hatch, and another alien invasion begins. The main character is not the Hero of Earth. He is the Destroyer of Earth.
            Enough of that. We’ll just see how it goes. Let’s see how well this teenage brain of mine in creating stories for my blogs. Yes. Blogs. With an 'S'. This blog and shortstorytoshare.blogspot.com Check out the other blog if you have the time! New post coming soon! Stay tune!